Monday 4 October 2010

The future of human-computer interface? and how do we futurise our desktops?

In films such as minority report, and more recently quantum of solace and iron man, we see super futuristic interfaces between humans and computers. these interfaces are designed to be ultimately as easy to use, and as intuitive as possible. they appear both endlessly complicated, and as supremely simple to use as possible. of course we think that this tech might be several years away, but recent developments at edinburgh univeristy has proved different. they have begun to develop these super intuitive touch screen systems on a large scale, and for the first time we are approaching the same technologies as in the films:

But what about the rest of us? who have to make do with our pc's or macs? running on windows or leopard? well, similarly, readily available programs are developing computer interfaces that closely mimic the design of those in minority report and quantum of solace. these interfaces draw on the semi transparent, wide, open and simple typfaces immediately associated with super futuristic computer systems. one such program is rainmeter, a free program for microsoft that can be downloaded from the official website: with new skins being designed every day, along with new desktop gadgets, wallpapers, widgets and styles, it allows almost infinate customisation to allow any information or program to be accesed instantly from the desktop of windows. it is also easy to link into existing windows skins and themes, and other interface programs such as rocketdock, meaning any of us can now have a little slice of the amazing interfaces we see in the cinema.

                                          some rainmeter interfaces   

rocketdock is a program for windows designed to mimic a mac interface, also with various different skins and icons to suit individual taste. rocketdock is perhaps the most popular new tools in making the traditional windows interface more simple and easier to use, as well as more animated and interesting visually. its various skins can be used to match it to existing windows or rainmeter styles, meaning it can be linked in to your current desktop setup, whatever it might be. it is available for free from the rocketdock website:

                                         some rocketdock styles

These programs give huge scope for customizing the desktop of your computer, but for those who really don't like the existing OS interfaces from windows and apple, a new program allows a complete refit of the interface. this program is called talisman, and is perhaps the biggest departure from what we would consider "the norm". it is a revolutionary new program that completely changes the appearance and system of a windows interface, and unlike other programs, talisman has no real templates, meaning the talisman skins can be almost anything, many of which are very similar to the amazing film programs. note how, on the pictures below, many of the designs totally avoid the traditional layout of buttons to create a unique and visually captivating interface, and although these layouts may not be considered normal, they are still logical layouts, and no less easy to use (and in some cases much easier) than existing windows or apple products. the newest version is available for free trail, and full download at $25, and the origional talisman program is available for free:

a selection of the available talisman visual styles, all with varying complexity, colour scheme and layout.